Tzu Ching Medan

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

How to cast away the mosquitos without killing them?

Hello dear all tong-xue men.

Today I'll share about how we cast away the mosquitos without killing them.
This article was from one of our Tzu-ching men, name Rina tong-xue.
She emailed me this article and I found that it's fun to share with you all.

Here how it's works to cast away the mosquitos :

1. Take out some pills of Vitamin C and B2, then soaked into the water, then the drugs solvent smeared onto our skin, the drugs will pull out the distinctive odor that make the mosquitos doesn't bear to goes near to us.

2. Hang the orange color curtains or hang the orange cellophane onto your lamp shade, because the mosquitos were afraid of the orange bright color, so that this simple and easy way can cast away the mosquitos.

3. Hang a bundle of garlic under your lamp or hang a pack of leeks, then some kind of insects will not bare to go inside the room.

4. Put on some pots of plants such as jasmine, aglaia odorata, roses, and tuberoses, that plants can also cast away the mosquitos.

Here's the translation into indonesian below.
Hope all of our readers can get some benefits of the article that I share today.
Thanks for Rina tong-xua to share the article for all of us. 
You can follow her by her facebook by click here .

Here's the contemplation of Master Cheng Yen of the day.

Satu-satunya cara untuk menarik hati orang, adalah dengan bersikap lemah lembut dan penuh perhatian.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -


The only way to attract the sympathy of people is by giving full attention with softness.
- Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen

Good Luck and Good Day all our lovely readers.
Gan En :)

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